Status: Stunned!

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Interested in: Collingwood victories

Relationship status: Collingwood tragic

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That’s right! Thongs.
I’m through with shoes or, more appropriately, shoe laces.
Done. Over. Finished. End of story.
Deep into red time during the final quarter last Satdee I bent down to tie up my shoe laces which had gotten looser, so I thought, than our manning up.
Giddy with the joy that only a Magpie win brings. (and I don’t care if they’re uglier than a roomful of newspaper journos – a win is a win and I like winning!) Imagine my surprise when I stood up again to see we were actually behind!!
I never knew a word like ‘gastered’ existed.
Ladies, forget diets – just go watch the Pies. I guarantee you’ll have your flab gastered.
And it only takes a couple of minutes!!

Back in happier times (y’know, the 20 minute mark of the last stanza) I was marvelling at what was surely one of Leon’s finest quarters of football for the Pies.
Like spots on Grandma, he was everywhere.

There has gotta be some hasn’t there?

Everybody should have some.
Collingwood should kick some.

Collingwood kick them.
Somebody should kick theirs!


Hey HotRod
Seriously how good is Presti!
The silent assassin struck again and laid out another victim in Lloyd.
Chuck Norris has nothing on our boy.
Daniel Price

Yep, Presti’s hands are so good they can beat a Royal Flush.
And speaking of flushes I’m tipping the Pies did that to his 200th celebrations.
But it was another great snuff job by The Silencer.

Hey Hotrod,
Love the language mate, particularly the comment on Johnstone's beard last week - spot on. Been a Magpie man since my first game at Vic Park versus the Saints in 1950 - I was 4 1/2 yo and got lost and have been lost in the Maggies ever since. We have a chance this year and the next month is a biggie for us. Thank God for cable TV in HK even it is delayed. My wife doesn't understand but you will - when we lose I don't eat.
Keep the faith bro
Ian Morrison

By my calculations you’d be on a hunger strike by now mate!

HI Hotrod,
Been keeping the faith up here on the gold coast for 20 years now and boy have I copped it from the rugby and Brisbane lions fans over the years.  But low and behold all the rugby fans are all AFL converts and following the best game of all bar none now!

Keep the faith forever, be the best supporter you can be, and go the pies!!!
Damien Brooks
Damo, right now the rugby is looking pretty attractive.
But who am I kidding?
We’ll all be back for more next week.
To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health etc etc.

•    Got something you want to say or ask or just want to get something off you black and white chest?
Then drop us a line at and we’ll attempt to keep that faith.
•    And be aware that all correspondence is subject to defamation laws.


Please note: the views expressed in the above article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Collingwood Football Club or employees of the club. The Collingwood Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of its supporters who contribute to