Collingwood ruckman Darren Jolly has thrown his support behind FebFast 2011’s fundraiser that challenges Australians to take a month off the grog and at the same time raise funds to reduce alcohol and other drug related harms amongst young people.

"I’m a big believer in enjoyment not having to involve heavy drinking, and as an elite athlete I understand how overdoing the drink can affect your body and day to day lifestyle," Jolly said. 

Sponsor Darren's Dry Pies on his FebFast team fundraising page, or join the team by clicking here. The team password is 'febfast'.

About Febfast 2011
FebFast Ltd (the Trustee for FebFast Ancillary Fund Trust) challenges people to press the pause button on their alcohol consumption during the shortest month of the year, and at the same time raise funds to help reduce alcohol and other drug related harms amongst young Australians.

Proceeds raised through registration and fundraising go towards the Australian Drug Foundation, YSAS (the Youth Substance Abuse Service in Victoria), Mater Health Services Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Service (Queensland), The Ted Noffs Foundation (NSW and ACT), BushMob (Northern Territory) and Mission Australia youth alcohol and other drug services in WA, SA and Tasmania.

Further funds will also be distributed through a grants program for smaller grass-roots organisations. For more information about FebFast and its beneficiaries visit