In a new feature to, Harry O'Brien will publish his own work depicting life as an AFL footballer.  'Harry's World' will include Harry's thoughts and opinions on all topics of life.  You can send Harry a friend invitation on his Facebook page or follow him on Twitter (Harry_O).

On Tuesday the 5th of May we had country visits to various regions. My group consisted of Leon Davis, Dane Swan, Kevin Dyas, Johnny Bennell, Tobias Thoolen and Brent Macaffer.

We conducted two clinics with 300 primary school kids in each clinic, and two high school visits.

The clinics are pretty straight forward. Basic skills are taught by the players. The clinics can often be mayhem if not controlled sufficiently.

The high school visits were easier and probably more enjoyable. Not to say that I dislike doing clinics, but the interaction with the students through a question and answer forum is certainly preferred.

One thing that I always find amusing is the questions that are asked to us. We seem to be asked the same questions no matter where we are. It has got to the point where it is very predictable.

So I thought that it would be fun to list a few of the frequently asked questions so if and when you do meet us you can keep them in mind and think of something original!

Question: How many goals have you kicked?

Usually asked by primary school kids. They always seem to laugh when I say three… I still don’t know why… I’m proud of those three goals!

Question: You must get sick of signing autographs?

This one always makes me laugh because it gets asked frequently. This is typically asked by mums or older women.

And we always answer it the same way. “No it’s alright”.

How else can you answer that? To be honest it can be quite monotonous sometimes, but when you think about it, if having to sign your autograph numerous times is one of your life’s complaints then your life must be pretty damn good!

Question: Do you have a girl friend?

Usually makes people laugh and always gets asked at some point. This is usually asked by teenage girls.

The answer is that surprisingly there are only 11 single boys in our team. That’s 11 out of 48 players. So sorry ladies the majority are taken!

Question: Why did you guys lose on the weekend? Or why did you guys lose to (whatever team they barrack for)?

This is asked by smart ass boys ranging from age 10-17. Haha very funny! Gee we haven’t heard that one before! We usually ignore that question. It gets asked all the time. Very original!

Question: What is Mick Malthouse like? Is he grumpy?

Usually gets asked by old men and dads. They always expect us to say that Mick is a grumpy person, and I get the impression that is the answer they want to hear. But the truth is you only see one part of his personality on television. And that is usually when he is in his intense coach mode.

Question: Do you know Eddie McGuire?

Kids from age 12-16 ask this question and seem surprised when we say of course we do! Why where you surprised? He is our president!

This question is sometimes asked to me especially in earlier days. Question: Are you Leon Davis?

Haha. No I am not Leon Davis! Leon Davis is much shorter than me and doesn’t kick as many goals!

Question: What do you guys do away from footy? You know footy doesn’t last forever?

This question is often asked by teachers or adults with a slight tone of condescendence. I never understand why? It’s as though some people just have tall poppy syndrome. Perhaps the people that ask this question in this way have preconceived ideas about footballers spending most of their time away from football playing playstation.

Yes I love my electronic gaming! But I do know the importance of pursuing other genuine interests outside of football and so do all of my teammates.

All players at the club are fully aware of the damning statistics in regards to how cut throat AFL is and do not need to be reminded of this by self-righteous people.

Our boys do a wide range of things away from the club ranging from someone like Chris Dawes studying law to Dane Swan owning a fashion label.

Other things that happen frequently when we are amongst a large number of Magpie fans which we find funny are:

When people ask to have their photo taken and do not know how to operate their camera!! Haha it’s so awkward. Generally adults who are not from Generation Y. Haha they ask their eight year old child to show them how to operate the camera.

Sometimes when meeting a fan they want to shake hands which is fair enough, but sometimes adult women go in for the kiss. It is very awkward when you pull away!! We joke about it because it happens a fair bit.

Some fans ask us for the clothes we are wearing!! They say, “Come on you must have heaps of those tops at home. Just give it to me.” Haha mate I’m not too keen to walk around shirtless for the rest of the day.

These are just a few of the funny things that happen when have clinics, school visits or meet a large group of fans.

Hopefully I have answered some of the regular questions we get. Maybe we will start to hear some new ones!

So until next time

Live for hope

Harry O