Status: Still in the 8!!

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 Born: Black ‘n’ White

Interested in: Collingwood victories

Relationship status: Collingwood tragic

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He fills all the holes.
Not just that, he does have a set of pearly whites an Englishman could only dream of.
But how good was the Milky Bar Kid on Fridee night?
Not even Stevie Wonder could have played more of a blinder.
Whether sneaking forward, drifting back or linking up you know the ball is in safe hands when Tarks has got it in his mits.
I know liking Tarks is a bit unfashionable. It’s a bit like liking to play Uno.
He doesn’t have a plethora of tatts, never plays games with his hair (Remember when Cheesy O'Bree had dreadlocks?), won't back chat umps and doesn’t try to flog your breakfast cereal or used cars on the idiot box.
He just does his humble best week in week out for our beloved Pies.
Y’know, I don’t think the umps even know he’s out there sometimes.
Which is why I’m starting a push to change the Brownlow’s criteria to Fairest & Best & SENSIBLE.
Surely Tarks must win it.

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Would you mind having a chat to Uncle Mick and tell him to get Steele Sidebottom into the side asap! I watched him in the under 18’s Granny last year not to mention during the NAB cup this year and he carved it up better than mum’s Sunday roast.
Thanks mate,
Brett Leonard

No worries Brett,
I’ll start telling Mick how to select his team as soon as you start offering me alternative employment.

Hey Hotrod,
My Father-in-law has been analysing the Pies game of recent times and believes that  the weak point in defence.
What do you think of this theory?
Ashley & Caca Buckee

Your F-I-L is suffering an acute case of Clementitis.
There is no known cure for this. Jimmy was just that good.
Tell him to take 2 Shane Morwood’s and call me in the morning if pain persists.

G'day Hotrod,
Do you think Scotty Pendlebury could be some sort of mad scientist genius who has invented a machine that slows time around him? He always seems to have so much of it.

Rumour has it Smitty that Pendles doesn’t use a hyperbaric chamber, he uses a Tardis.

Hang on to this thought:  If we keep up the LWLWL program (as we did several years ago, remember!), we will beat C A R L T O N.
Joyce (56 years of torment)

Hi Hotrod,
History tells us we learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes.
David Spiers

At this rate David we might not have the best team in the comp but we will surely have the smartest!

•    Got something you want to say or ask or just want to get something off you black and white chest?
Then drop us a line at and we’ll attempt to keep that faith.
•    And be aware that all correspondence is subject to defamation laws.


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