Status:  Desperate

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Born: Black ‘n’ White

Interested in: Collingwood victories

Relationship status: Collingwood tragic

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Now all you Faithbookers out there might think that I’ve gone completely mad and, to be honest, I was quite certifiable midway through the second quarter, but desperate times call for desperate measures!
As the Black ‘n’ White injuries pile up quicker than broccoli on the side of a kids dinner plate I propose that our Operations Department do just that – start operating!
This is our best opportunity to create the footballer of the future.
The Frankenmagpie!!
A Collingwood footballer so awesome even Mike Sheahan will have to give him some credit.

First we need to round up all our injured and missing and get them in a room to watch daytime TV. Then, once they’re fast asleep, rip out all their best qualities and 
stitch them together to form one super human footballer – the Frankenmagpie.
Imagine a player with Medhurst’s ability to play short or tall, Didak’s freakiness, Leon’s explosiveness, Swanny’s endurance, Fraser’s height, Beyonce’s big mits, Anthony’s accuracy and Rusling’s blistering leads!
Sure it’s unethical.
But this is not about ethics.
This is about 4 points!

Of course, we need a body to stitch all these parts onto so who wants to volunteer?

* This space was reserved for last year’s top draft pick but I think we’ll induct him into the Faithbook Hall Of Fame at a more suitable time.

We haven’t had our faith tested like this for some time so I applaud you all.

I don’t like Mondays either!

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I love your work mate. It’s not easy putting on a brave face in these tough times.
W. Swan

You’ve got to give credit where credit is due and we’ve both had a credit crunch now.

G’day Hottie,
I know how you and your fellow Faithbookers must be feeling right now.
But remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn.
G. Killeen

Yep, we certainly had a host of problems on Monday night.

Hello Hatrud,
What the Collingwoods need right now is somebody give them a rocket.
I can arrange for this no problems.
D. Dokic

I’m not sure tough love is the answer Big D.
But hope springs eternal and the Pies are still in the 8!

•    Got something you want to say or ask or just want to get something off you black and white chest?
Then drop us a line at and we’ll attempt to keep that faith.
•    And be aware that all correspondence is subject to defamation laws.


Please note: the views expressed in the above article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Collingwood Football Club or employees of the club. The Collingwood Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of its supporters who contribute to