Watch every moment from the 2014 E.W. Copeland Trophy Dinner in Collingwood Media's annual Copeland Cast.

Catch all the important speeches from coach Nathan Buckley, President Eddie McGuire and our retiring greats, track the award winners as they are announced and witness first-hand the next Magpie to be bestowed with the club's highest individual honour.

The coverage will be streamed live on CollingwoodTV from the Crown Palladium from 7.30pm on Friday evening.

Live Blog 2014 E.W. Copeland Trophy

The E.W. Copeland voting system
Coach Nathan Buckley and his assistants Robert Harvey, Ben Hart, Scott Burns and Matthew Lappin award the votes each week.

Each coach is able to award up to 22 votes for each game (there is no minimum).

In the event that two or more players finish with the same number of votes, then the player who has played in the least amount of games takes the higher position. If these players have played the same number of games, then the player who has polled the greater number of "high value" votes will take the higher position.

The top 10 from 2013
1. Scott Pendlebury (192 votes - E.W. Copeland Trophy)
2. Dane Swan (155 - R.T. Rush Trophy)
3. Steele Sidebottom (133 - J.J. Joyce Trophy)
4. Travis Cloke (108 - J.F. McHale Trophy)
5. Heritier Lumumba (101 - Jack Regan Trophy)
6. Brent Macaffer (76)
7. Marley Williams (70)
8. Heath Shaw (69)
9. Nathan Brown (61)
10. Jamie Elliott (59)

View profiles of each player to be awarded the E.W. Copeland Trophy since 1927 on