Status:  Double or nothing!!

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Born: Black 'n' White
Interested in: Collingwood victories
Relationship status: Collingwood tragic

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Circle the wagons, remember the Alamo and the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, etc, etc.
Yes, they had to amputate Pendles’ leg.  Yes, the Lakeside Latin is limping like a three legged dog.  Yes, you won’t find legs this wonky in a 2nd hand furniture shop.


Yes, the forward line scores about as often as the geeks who spend their evenings building imaginary farms on Farmville.


Yes, things look shakier than a Jakarta rubber factory right now.  But all the Mighty Fightin' Black 'n' Whites need to turn this baby around is to embrace TLP.


That's right!
They need to channel the chirpy champ's chutzpah back when he swaggered into the City of Church's (bess 'im!) and almost snatched a Grand Final victory from the jaws of an Elimination Final defeat all by his lonesome.
Coz when the Pies play with the strength of 1000 Liccas they are more unstoppable than Christian Bale on a good rant.

They seem to be all the rage at the moment although when I asked my masseuse to rub mine last night she just gouged my eyes.
Anyway, I don't care about pressure points.
I just want the Pies to start kicking PRESSURE GOALS!!!

See above! Pressure GOALS!!
And lots of them too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I gotta admit, I was more excited than a giraffe in a scarf shop when the big hairy Howitzer snagged his first 6 pointer.
Whatever his future holds I've always loved watching Anthony Rocca play.
(* Nice elbow on Saint Jones early doors too!!)
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And I'm not talking about what you put da socks on either!
Blow those Crows outta the MCG waters Collingwood!!!!

Hey Hottie,
I haven't felt this disappointed since they took my couch away.
J Della Bosca (Sydney)

I know how you feel mate.
It reminds me of the time I dreamt I was feasting on spring rolls and dipping sauce
only to wake up and discover I'd chewed arf me hand orff!

Hi there Hotrod,
I find the best way to get over disappointments like what happened on the weekend is to
go for a nice relaxing long walk.
T Holding (Mt. Feathertop)

You walk Timbo but, if you don't mind, I'll run.
By the way, you're lucky our midfield wasn't looking for you or you'd still be out there!!

Dear Hotrod,
Just letting you know that having spent the past month and a bit pumping up the Magpies tires I'm officially jumping off the bandwagon.
Yours unfaithfully,
M Sheahan (Melbourne)

That's okay mate, I'm the bloke who keeps letting down yours!

•    Got something you want to say or ask or just want to get something off you black and white chest?
Then drop us a line at and we’ll attempt to keep that faith.
•    And be aware that all correspondence is subject to defamation laws.


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