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Or to put it another way...


Football feng shui hath returned to Stately Spud Manor dear Spudsters.
Doth it make me happy? You bet it doth!
In fact, make that a dubble doth!

But it wasn’t the Mighty Maggies record mauling of Sheedy’s Shadows that did it.
Nor was it the unbridled joy of watching Beyonce Cloke and Medders steer the good ship Collingwood to a record score that did it.

As great as it was seeing the Black ‘n’ Whites turn the Bombers midfield inside out quicker than an Englishman’s undies that wasn’t it..
Nor was it the fact that the Pies have now swung back the ANZAC Day win/loss ratio back our way.

What really fenged my shui was plonking my Tijuana down in my trust Jason Recliner Rocca and turning on the old Rank Arena for a bit of post match reminiscing.

And just like magic there he was.

Football’s self appointed misery guts...

Within seconds I knew that magnificent ANZAC Day victory wasn’t a dream coz Timmy, uncompromised bastion (yes, I said bastion) of the game that he is, wasn’t torkin about the Pies exciting young brigade. He wasn’t even happy for Wellie!

And as far as Timmy is concerned, Meds is still playing at Freo coz he refused to acknowledge the great service our goal scoring goblin has given us for two seasons now.

Nup, Timmy just wondered out loud if the Pies and Bombers have forfeited the right to play on ANZAC Day in a similar way that the Demons appear to have forfeited the right to play at all.

The Pies must be winning again.

The next day I’m reading Grant Thomas’ column.
You remember Grant, he’s the bloke who made his Saints play the Pies for an entire half of footy with nobody in their forward half.
Anyway, Thommo reckons the Pies are doing really well with what they’ve got?!?!

Given the Woods should really be 5-1 with a young talented squad on the back of last season’s finish I think GT might actually be in danger of knowing less about football than Tim!

It was at the moment that it hit me!

I never thought I’d ever think it let alone say it but I did thunk it and I’m gunna say it…….
I like David Schwarz.

Like a sausage roll in an oven I’ve slowly warmed to the big man.
I had him pegged as a bit of a football nuffie with his clumsy early commentaries but he has managed to do the unthinkable.

He actually talks about the Pies with genuine enthusiasm rather than sniping bitterness.
He knows the players!
He is still the only non Collingwood person to recognise just how freakin’ good Swanny is and that the oppo more often than not don’t shut him down.

So Schwarzy, not that you’d care, I doffs me cap to you sir.
You may not pay less for cash but you are still one of the good guys!

Now Woodsmen,
Rip the heads off Kennett’s Caramels this Satdee.
40 points will do.

Please note: the views expressed in the above article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Collingwood Football Club or employees of the club. The Collingwood Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of its supporters who contribute to