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Or to put it another way...


It is often said a week is a long time in football.
Well, a week without any REAL football is a long long long time.
And frankly listening to footy commentators babble on endlessly about “just
how passionate the players are” about the Big V and whatever they are calling their
opponents this time is as annoying as their cricketing cousins pleadingly telling us poor slobs just how great Twenty20 is.
Anyway it’s over.

So bored with the lack of decent footy talk I found myself watching a chick flick the other night.
Well I thought I did!
But twenty minutes into it I realised I’d actually stumbled across ‘On The Couch’.
It was at that point that the grey haired turtle on the left lent forward to the The Couchless One and nasally droned:

“Gerard, what does the Melbourne Football Club stand for?”

The question struck me as rather odd dear Spudsters.

In my short time on God’s green earth the Melbourne Football Club has never stood for anything! Except maybe numeracy.
“Well played number 5, kick long seventeen, too much handball number three.”

But apart from that what do they stand for?
We all know Carlton stands for evil but what do any of the other clubs actually stand for?
And for that matter, what does Collingwood stand for?

In this glitzy modern age of football I’ll be stuffed if I know.
It’s a bigger mystery than the ingredients of a dim sim.
All I know is I love them both.

Unfortunately, like my preferred choice of dim sim, the Woods have found themselves in footy’s deep fryer of late.

It’s no longer a question of what do they stand for but taking a stand.

I know they’re just a bunch of freckle faced kids but here is a newsflash Collingwood: This season is slowly slipping away from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which is great if you are Max Merritt and the Meteors but not that flash if you are Orstraya’s most famous football club.

So here’s an idea Collingwood – START WINNING!!!
Pump the Saints on Fridee at the Crypt.
They’re just the Demons with blonde hair.
They stand for nothing too.

Besides, it’s breaking me in two, watching you, slipping away.

Please note: the views expressed in the above article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Collingwood Football Club or employees of the club. The Collingwood Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of its supporters who contribute to