To access the AGM, you will require a valid 2012 or 2013 membership card. The AGM is only open to Club 5, Legends, Captains and Social Club members over the age of 18.
Please note that there is very limited car parking in the area with Yarra Park closed. Only street parking is available, therefore public transport is recommended.
Agenda Items:
• Minutes of 2011 Annual General Meeting
- Resolution by members that minutes read by Chairman as a correct record
• Resolution on Audit Firm Appointment
- Resolution by members that PricewaterhouseCoopers, who have consented in writing to act as auditor of the company, be appointed auditor of Collingwood Football Club Limited
• Election of Board Members
- Jack Kennedy, Alex Waislitz & Paul Leeds all seek re-election in accordance with Article 33 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
- In accordance with Article 53 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association any person wishing to nominate for a position on the Board must deliver to the Chief Executive Officer by no later than 5pm 30 January 2013 a completed nomination form together with a copy of their National Police Certificate and Birth Certificate.
• Acceptance of the Annual Financial reports for 2012
- Reception and adoption of the 2012 Annual Financial report, Directors Report, Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet for the year ending 31 October 2012
Please note that copies of the annual financial report for Collingwood Football Club Limited can be located on the Collingwood Football Club website by clicking here.