In the lead up to ANZAC Day, the Collingwood Football Club is telling the stories of all 57 Magpie Anzacs, whether they were champions like Dan Minogue or one-gamers like Jim Seaton.

Club historian Michael Roberts and the Herald Sun's Glenn McFarlane spent months piecing together these stories – and they've uncovered some remarkable personal tales.

Bill McCulloch
Born: 7 November 1872
Died: 3 September 1951
Collingwood Games: 12
Collingwood Goals: 5

“I felt it was up to me to do my bit and I am anxious to do it.”

Those were the words Port Melbourne police constable Bill McCulloch uttered when he expressed why, at 43 and five months, he decided to enlist in the Australian Imperial Force in 1916.

Dressed in khaki, he was at a court hearing giving evidence in one of his last acts before sailing away to the front when the sitting judges stopped mid-trial to commend the policeman for setting aside his age and marital status to do the right and noble thing.

McCulloch was a well-known figure in Melbourne, but that had little to do with football. Sure, he had played 13 games for Melbourne in 1897-98 and 1900 before a transfer to Collingwood in April 1901 saw him represent the Magpies in 11 games that season and a further game in 1902.